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Outofhome advertising for Billboards and Wallscapes


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billboard advertising,Outdoor Advertising,billboard,Wallscapes,wallscape,wallscape advertising,outdoor-billboards,Suthern Californiya billboards,outdoor advertising space for rent

Description :

Reading to westbound traffic on Yosemite Ave. in Manteca, CA this billboard reaches traffic that is headed to the Highway 120 freeway on-ramp.  This illuminated billboard offers advertisers the opportunity to reach commuter traffic and local traffic traveling from the Manteca and Lathrop areas in San Joaquin County that is headed to Highway 120.

Location Description: Billboards in Manteca

Yosemite Ave. East of Highway 120

East Face/South Line

Manteca/Lathrop, CA

San Joaquin County

For more information on this billboard, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Or, email/call/text:

Mike Ondeck

(562) 900-7311

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    Category Billboards
    Location 3600 W YOSEMITE AVE, MANTECA, CA
    Size 14’*48′
    Illumination Yes
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