var calenderdata = '
'; jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $(".displayeventcalender").html(calenderdata); var todayDate = moment().startOf('day'); $('#calendar111').fullCalendar({ header: { // left: 'prev,next today', // center: 'title', //right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay,listMonth' }, defaultDate: new Date(), editable: false, eventLimit: true, businessHours: true, //defaultView: 'agenda', navLinks: false, //timezone: "Asia/Kolkata", //eventBackgroundColor:"#000000", events: [] }); }) lang="en-US"> Billboards in Monterey County | Digital Billboards | California
Outofhome advertising for Billboards and Wallscapes


Description :

Located on Highway 101 in the Paso Robles/Wellsona area, this billboard has a very long right-hand read to northbound traffic on Highway 101. This billboard offers advertisers a unique opportunity to reach travelers driving from Southern California to Northern California. This billboard is also an excellent opportunity for local advertisers to direct travelers off Highway 101 and visit their businesses in San Miguel, King City, Greenfield, Soledad, etc.

Location Description: Billboards in Monterey County

E/Line Highway 101 N/of Wellsona Rd. Paso Robles, CA

South Face

San Luis Obispo County, Monterey County

For more information on this billboard, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Or, email/call/text:

Mike Ondeck

(562) 900-7311

Leave A Message

    Category Billboards
    Location E/Line Highway 101 N/of Wellsona Rd. Paso Robles, CA
    Size 8’*21′
    Illumination Scotchlite
    DEC 25,800
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