var calenderdata = '
'; jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $(".displayeventcalender").html(calenderdata); var todayDate = moment().startOf('day'); $('#calendar111').fullCalendar({ header: { // left: 'prev,next today', // center: 'title', //right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay,listMonth' }, defaultDate: new Date(), editable: false, eventLimit: true, businessHours: true, //defaultView: 'agenda', navLinks: false, //timezone: "Asia/Kolkata", //eventBackgroundColor:"#000000", events: [] }); }) lang="en-US"> Digital Billboards | Billboards in Merced | California
Outofhome advertising for Billboards and Wallscapes


Description :

Located on 16th St., this illuminated billboard reaches traffic that has just exited Highway 99 in to the City of Merced. The billboard reaches traffic traveling east on 16th Street headed in to downtown Merced via 16th Street and Highway 59/Snelling Highway. With a long and un-obstructed read to 16th Street, this billboard offers advertisers a tremendous opportunity to secure a “gateway billboard” reaching traffic that has just taken the main Highway 99 exit to Merced.

Location Description: Billboards in Merced

Gateway of Merced, 16th st. Exit of HWY 99 Merced, CA

West Face

City of Merced

Merced County

For more information on this billboard, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Or, email/call/text:

Mike Ondeck

(562) 900-7311

Leave A Message

    Category Billboards
    Location Gateway of Merced, 16th st. Exit of HWY 99 Merced, CA
    Size 12’*40′
    Illumination Yes
    DEC 21,000
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